Giant Oak was created to combine behavioral social science and computer science methodologies to build big data tools that combat criminal activities. The Giant Oak team integrates behavioral scientists, software engineers, and security experts to bridge the gap between the technology needed to store and process big data and the ability to extract meaningful knowledge from it for front line analysts in the financial and federal sectors.
In a world that is increasingly defined and measured by big data, it is crucial for organizations to be able to generate insights from that data effectively and coherently. At Giant Oak, we use theory, intuition, and technical skills to draw meaningful conclusions about the people behind the data. We strive to develop a comprehensive understanding of the environments in which we work. This involves studying the data generating process, analyzing the behaviors and patterns represented in the data, and ultimately extracting information from the data to generate scientifically rigorous results. We take an interdisciplinary view of the social sciences, using theories and methodologies from economics, computer science, network analysis, and other fields to develop innovative tools and create knowledge at the frontiers of current understanding.
At Giant Oak, we work to predict and detect real threats to safety and security at home and in communities around the world, reducing crime, fraud, and violence. Because we operate in an ecosystem that deals with information about people, we have a responsibility to protect privacy to the best of our ability. At Giant Oak, we are committed to the highest standards of privacy and security, respecting the data integrity of both our customers and customer data. We are:
Giant Oak, Inc.
2300 Wilson Boulevard
Suite 700 PMB 142
Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: 703.842.0661